Marketing System

Code: rslt2

Fee: 1,999/month

Tier: 2

Option: 1

Target Market: Regional

Offerings: Products

Outcome Desired: Sales

Locations: 1

Our Proposal

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Situation Appraisal

Currently, WG Printers has a strong local presence, but their potential for growth is constrained by a limited marketing reach. To escalate their market position, particularly in attracting local businesses and politicians for signage needs, a comprehensive and strategic marketing campaign is essential. This campaign will not only enhance local visibility but also lay a solid foundation for scaling to a national audience.


  • Implement a robust Facebook advertising campaign to target local businesses and organizations, including a specific focus on politicians, for signage needs.
  • Develop and execute an email marketing strategy to build and nurture a substantial client list.
  • Achieve a minimum of a 9 to 1 ROI within the first three months of implementation.
  • Our proven method of success:

Milestone 1: Welcome Chat - Initiate with a personalized strategy session post-sign-up.

Milestone 2: Your Ad, Your Rules - Develop and refine your campaign for your complete approval.

Milestone 3: Go Live and Target - Launch ads and emails targeting relevant audiences.

Milestone 4: First Signs of Success - Observe the initial surge in leads and sales, monitored for quality.

Milestone 5: Profits & Progress - Scale up strategies as sales increase for greater returns.

Measurements of Success

  • Significant increase in inquiries and contracts from local businesses and politicians.
  • Measurable growth in brand recognition both locally and, eventually, nationally.
  • Consistent improvement in sales and return on marketing investment.


  • Establish WG Printers as the go-to provider for high-quality signage in the local market, with an expanding footprint on a national scale.
  • Create a sustainable growth model that continually attracts high-value clients.
  • Enhanced efficiency in marketing efforts, leading to better resource allocation and higher profitability.


Facebook Advertising (Ad Spend necessary to drive desired results is included in fee)

  • Develop targeted ad campaigns for different segments (local businesses, organizations, politicians) emphasizing WG Printers’ unique selling propositions.
  • Implement retargeting strategies to maintain engagement with potential clients.
  • Continuously monitor and optimize campaigns for maximum effectiveness and ROI.

Email Marketing

  1. Build segmented email lists for targeted communications, focusing on the specific needs of each group (businesses, organizations, politicians).
  2. Design and deploy engaging email sequences to nurture leads and convert them into long-term clients.
  3. Regularly refine email content based on performance metrics and audience feedback.
  4. List Building
  • Aggressively build a comprehensive list of local companies and organizations in need of signage.
  • Develop separate, highly targeted campaigns for politicians, leveraging election cycles and political events.

Scaling to National Audience

  • Once a solid local client base is established, gradually expand the target audience to include regional and then national prospects.
  • Adapt marketing strategies to suit the broader audience while maintaining the core message and brand identity of WG Printers.

Joint Accountabilities

  • Russ will collaborate closely with The Marketing Agency, providing necessary insights and approvals to ensure the success of the campaign.
  • Regular updates and reports will be shared to keep Russ informed of progress and results.

Terms and Conditions

Option 1:         $ 1,999 / month

Option 2:         $ 3,499 / bi-monthly

Option 3:         $ 4,999 / quarterly

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